Tuesday, November 11, 2008

crochet books

The word crochet comes from the French croche or croc meaning to hook. The word crochet comes from the French croche or croc meaning to hook.

Many of these books and magazines, are rare and expensive, putting them out of the reach of the average crafter, other than in a library, Libraries in particular are good low cost sources of patterns, however it generally takes a fair bit of time and effort to locate a suitable pattern. Do you know a good friend or family member who does crochet work? Back in the real world, where the latest and best designers are not at our fingertips, we can still purchase a variety of items that feature simple crochet.

I have known three housewives who have gone into crocheting, first as a hobby, and then into business, making sweatshirts, shawls and pillowcases in different designs and different colors. There are magazines published that are devoted solely to the art of crochet. Beyond the basics it s up to you to practice, practice, practice.

Remember that perfection is not necessary. Just like any craft, you have to enjoy it and truly have a passion for it to produce great works of yarn art.

easy crochet baby blankets with size q hook rudiments.

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